SM@RT (Semantic Matching And Retrieval Tool)

is a technological component/service for text comparison, also based on semantics, optimised to be integrated into Web applications based on different technologies (Java, PHP, etc.).

Unique in its kind, it is capable of indexing text from heterogeneous sources through a combination of various techniques developed within the framework of the research activities carried out by @brain covering both lexical and semantic aspects.

It allows various extensions for specific domains in order to guarantee a broad coverage of user needs thanks to its adaptability. It can in fact be used completely independently or integrated into other applications as a classic search engine.

SM@RT can also be integrated as an external web service in two modalities:

  • with DB hosting
  • with access to the buyer’s DB

@brain has several types of basic web applications that integrate SM@RT and are easily customised to work on information fields specified by the customer and relevant to the specific domain in which the intelligent information retrieval functionality is required.